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Genre=Drama. Director=Will Forbes. When two immigrant kids on the run from his former South Los Angeles gang leader stumble into his life, John is forced to reconcile with his past in order to try and give them a future. Cast=Ludacris, Maestro Harrell. USA. 1 H 31Minute
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This is hands down a 10/10. terry crews is the next dwayne johnson. absolutely phenomenal film.
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Free stream john henry clothing. Or is it john henry irons aka super steel. I had heard of this guy but I was unfamiliar with his work until tonight! To say that he's badass is an insult! He's other-worldly awesome! He's up there with the greats! I'm floored.
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Wasn't John Henry the one who beat the machine digging a tunnel.
Great rendition of this very old ballad. Love the quick time and slide. Keep playing and posting.
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Wtf. no... I want to see old John Henry.
John Henry (played with solid screen presence by Terry Crews) is a reserved man living in ghetto-bird Compton, California. When two immigrants flee the clutches of a street gang and wind up on his doorstep, John tries to protect them in any way he can (you gotta love the power of a good old sledgehammer. That's the gist of 2020's bloodstained and callous, John Henry. At a running time of 91 small-scale minutes that teeter into art film territory, it's my latest review.
Distributed by Saban Films, referencing The Human Centipede, and shot almost two years ago in palm treed LA, John Henry comes off as a sort of B-movie with a torrid, grindhouse effect. It's also like watching a lowly commercialized version of Menace II Society (or Baby Boy) mixed with a little Taxi Driver ( I'm God's lonely man. br>
John Henry has rookie director Will Forbes using various camera angles (and POV shots) with an over-stylized flavor. He's ambitious, he's a bit of a show-off, and he commits his whole, mannered shtick to the background sounds of basement tape rap songs (which I kinda liked.
Will's editor (Joe Rosenbloom of 2018's Monster Party) fashions John Henry as choppy, random, and askew. Characters you think are dead wind up alive, various shootouts seemed squeamish yet ill-choreographed, and I didn't quite comprehend the use of VHS recorded flashbacks circa 1994.
Oh well. John Henry has some decent casting (I liked the villain named Hell with part of his face cut off) and despite its shortcomings, possesses an effective way of making the viewer feel unsafe. "Henry" is overly violent, overly mean-spirited, slang-ed in dialogue, and bruised to the gills. I just wish helmer Forbes had tried to settle down and tell his story more systematically. "Oh Henry! Rating: 2 and a half stars.
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